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​老王樂隊 澳洲巡演2023
Melbourne  12th October       Sydney  13th October

王樂隊 | 我在愛情的盡頭看見了你和我

王樂隊 | 他們在鐵皮屋頂上奔跑

王樂隊 | 安九

王樂隊 | 我還年輕 我還年輕


2015年冬,於臺北成立。起初為了參加校園比賽而生,獲得北醫金弦獎第二名後便進入無限期休團。2016年末,以主唱立長、鼓手會元、吉他手偉碩為核心重組,繼續現身於校園比賽;此後依序在淡江金韶獎與貝斯手潔民、政大金旋獎與大提琴手昱萱合作。後因另有生涯規劃,昱萱於首張EP《吾十有五而志於學》發行前離團,大提琴手由佳瑩接任後,便成為老王樂隊今日的編制。2017年秋,老王樂隊以新臺灣後民搖的曲風,於9月28日發行第一張EP《吾十有五而志於學》,歌曲在YouTube上創造每首皆破百萬點擊;其中〈我還年輕 我還年輕〉至今已累積破3500萬次點擊。並於2019年走進中國大陸及新加坡、馬來西亞等地創近萬人次到場觀眾數字。沈澱三年,2023年推出沈澱三年之作《黃色的房子映照清晨的天空》,開啟首次澳洲巡迴,在雪梨墨爾本開唱!

老王樂隊,作為臺灣新生代后民謠樂隊重要代表,鮮明的音樂風格隨意、詼諧又具有批判性。歌曲〈我還年輕 我還年輕〉、〈安九〉火爆全網。中國內地、新加坡、馬來西亞等地巡演創近萬人次到場觀眾。2023年推出沈澱三年之作《黃色的房子映照清晨的天空》,也將首次展開澳洲巡迴之旅,在雪梨和墨爾本開唱!

First founded in Taipei in the winter of 2015 for a school-wide competition, Your Woman Sleep with Others went into indefinite hiatus after winning second place at the Golden Melody Awards of Taipei Medical University. At the end of 2016, lead singer Joshua, drummer Hui-yuan, and guitarist Wei-shuo regrouped to continue participating in school-wide competitions. They then subsequently collaborated with bassist Chieh-min at the Golden Melody Award of Tamkang University and cellist Yu-hsuan at the Golden Melody Award of National Chengchi University. Due to other career plans, Yu-hsuan left before their first EP《Stolen Childhood》was released with cellist Chia-ying taking over to form their current lineup. In autumn 2017, they released their first EP《Stolen Childhood》on September 28th which incorporates styles of Taiwanese folk songs from the post-martial law period.  Each of their songs on YouTube has surpassed one million views, among which Teens Edge has amassed over 35 million views. They toured Mainland China, Singapore, and Malaysia for up to 10 thousand audiences. After 3 years, they came back with a new EP 《Yellow House, Pink Blue Sky》 Yellow House, Pink Blue Sky in 2023, with which they will tour Australia to showcase their new sound in more cities!

Similar to their musical style, the band sings of the bizarre of their generation with cynicism in their hoarse voice, ironic humor in lyrics and melodies, low and resonant cello sounds, as well as catchy tunes to make music that leaves a deep impression and narrates the joys and sorrows of life.

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